All Spiced Catering

COVID Protocols

No one would have predicted how Covid-19 would affect us and our clients. Rest assured we are still available to supply you with wonderful menus on a smaller scale. Learn what we’re doing to keep everyone safe:

Staff Service:

  • If our staff have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 In the last 14 days they will not attend the event as scheduled
  • All of our staff will wash our hands frequently (or sanitize if running water is not available), and immediately after touching common surfaces. There will not be any physical contact with clients and each other (no hugs, high-fives, handshakes, etc.) We will cover our mouths & noses if we cough and/or sneeze and wash hands immediately afterwards.
  • We will maintain physical distancing to the best of our ability If not possible, we will wear nonmedical masks. We will be serving you at a distance and protocols will be gone over with the client prior to the event to discuss how this will be handled so that client understands the catering service to be delivered at the event.
    We will offer clients choice of plated, individually packaged or cocktail style events.
  • Passed appetizers with items that are easy to pick up, from the staff at a designated station.
  • Clients and their guests will not be allowed to come into contact with platters or buffet stations.
  • Server or Chef will be in PPE serving food Physical distancing in buffet line. Food in chafers will only be dished out by the server.

Our Client’s Promise to us:

  • Clients and guests will be asked to pre-screen themselves for symptoms before attending the event.
  • If a client or any of their guests have experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, they MUST self isolate at home.
  • Symptoms include fever, chills, cough, and shortness of breath, sore throat, headaches or muscle aches.

It is important that we all take covid-19 seriously to help stop the spread.